Beech and Capon in January

I’m starting off the New Year with a new project, a tree following with Loose and Leafy. There are a few trees in the garden space we have, I’ve picked what I’m pretty sure is a Beech tree (please correct me if I’m wrong!). I’m also going to follow the Jedburgh Capon tree which is just a few miles down the road from us. I’m looking forward to spending a little time each month taking in some of the details and beauty of these trees.

Without further ado, here’s the Beech:

Plenty of buds for spring\

Still some of last year’s leaves holding on.

And some that detached a while ago.

And here’s the Capon:

She’s a very grand, old lady! Her age is estimated to be between 500 – 1000 years and her trunk has actually split right down the middle requiring some serious supports.

Check out her toes! She’s estimated to be about 10 meters (32.8 feet) around her trunk.

The obligatory buds against the blue sky pic.

It’s really easy to get sentimental about the Capon, thinking about all the things she’s seen in her life time. Kings have come and gone, civil war, shifts in religion, so many battles, industrialization and still her leaves bud every spring.


15 thoughts on “Beech and Capon in January

  1. The Capon fascinates me! Can’t wait to learn more about that grand old lady, the last survivor of ancient ?? can’t quite read those last words. What stories she could tell. I, too, have started off January with a tree-following, a first for me and am certainly looking forward to it. My very paltry knowledge of trees is sure to increase!


    • She’s the last survivor of ancient Jed Forest…going to do a bit more research on that before my February post. I think I’m going to learn a lot about my trees and about the history of the area as well, both of which I very much look forward to 🙂


  2. Welcome to tree following from me, aka Beangenie. What a pair of trees to follow – how interesting this is going to be.

    I’m sure you’ll enjoy tree following; I started last year and not only did I really enjoy it, I learned so much – not least about the pleasures of observing something carefully instead of just zooming past it. Have fun!


  3. What wonderful trees to follow, the Capon is amazing and I can see why you chose that. I have chosen 2 also. Now I have seen your photo I wonder if one of my trees is a beech, I have not identified it yet but it looks a little similar to the one you have here. My second tree is an oak, which should be as mighty as your Capon (given time), but sadly it has struggled and it is a poor specimen.
    Look forward to seeing more of your trees over months to come. This is my first time of taking part and I am looking forward to it.


    • Hopefully as the season progress I can do a better job of identifying the beech, the leaves look right for a beech but I don’t see any evidence of nuts. Looking forward to finding out and watching others do the same 🙂


  4. The contrast is interesting. Almost disconcertingly so. It will be fascinating to see how the two run in parallel through the year.


  5. Wow! Both trees are fascinating–welcome to tree following and I can guarantee that you’re going to learn a great deal–about your own choices and other trees. The capon–I’ve never heard of it, I’m looking forward to learning more. And the beech, beautiful bark and fallen leaves.


  6. am following your blog so I can follow your trees 🙂 I read that the capon is a hollow oak – a venerable geriatric which makes a great contrast with your beech


  7. I am looking fw to see images of both of them. The beech is my favourite tree, but the Capon – I have to say I didn’t know what was it (now I know it’s an oak) – impressive!


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